Key Performance Indicators To Measure The Performance Of Your Social Media Activities

Number Of Views On Videos

The number of views on your videos can be easily measured if you are YouTube vlogger. You can see the statistics using YT Studio. It can be done in other medium using their analytical tool if you want an accurate rate. Or you can go to your profile and see

Number Of Comments And Mentions

The number of comments has two sides, positive and negative sides. Anyways it grabs the attention of people. Sounds good! You can get your supporters and opposers according to your theme of the content. But getting attention is very much important.

Number Of Clicks, Likes, And Shares

  1. Clicks – The more your post clicked there is more likely people wanted to know more about your post. Huge number number of clicks with fewer  likes and shares shows that your post got their attention, but doesn’t reach the expected quality. Less clicks of your post shows that you need to improve more of your contents.
  2. Likes – The more your video got likes, the more it grabbed attention among users. More likes also signal to most platform algorithms that this particular content deserves a higher spot in search results.
  3. Shares – Getting likes are right, and you want them, but sharing is a conscious decision. When someone shares your post, they are giving a personal recommendation to their friends or family. Because of this, shares are a great benchmark  of the quality of your work.

Number Of Profile Visits

The number of profile visits indicates that your content is attracted to more new viewers. It means that they believe you have something amazing beyond your work. Profile visit is crucially considerable to check your visibility on social media. 

People who amazed your work are more likely to explore your profile. Strangers will want to find you if your work is impressive to them. People will not directly search for your profile without knowing your story.

Number Of Active Followers

Posting one excellent video will give new subscribers and followers. But one amazing will not help you to retain the followers. If you want active followers, you need to improve your feed with innovative ideas. To increase your following, you can buy paid promotions such as free Instagram followers on Trollishly.

It is worth considering how many active followers you had. Because they are loyal followers who really admires your work and they will have expectations and also believe that you will give your best.

Traffic To The Website From Social Media

If you’re investing a reasonable amount of time and effort into your social media content, you’ll want to make sure that this number reflects that. You can quickly identify this number if you’re using HubSpot. All you have to do is visit the sources section of reports. See if a good chunk of your traffic is coming from social media. use a social media publishing tool like GaggleAMP.